

Ashleigh Anpilova


For Jethro, falling in love with a man was unexpected.

An established relationship story.

Written: April 2007. Word count: 100.



Guess falling in love with a man was a somewhat unexpected thing for me to do.


Hah! That's an understatement. It was more than ‘a somewhat' it was . . .


Not sure what it was, but it shook me.


Shook me more because it felt so right. Shook me more because I knew it was right. Shook me even more because it didn't shake me.


But I didn't fall in love with Ducky because he was a man, I feel in love with Ducky because he was, well, Ducky.


And that's not so unexpected.


My Duck's easy to love.


My Duck's mine.



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