

Ashleigh Anpilova


The first story in the At First series.

Gibbs tells himself many things.

A pre-slash story.

Written: June 2009. Word count: 300.



I never want another person to know just how incredible you are.


At first he told himself he couldn't be attracted to Ducky. Ducky was a man. He'd never been attracted to men. He loved women. He couldn't find Ducky attractive. He ignored the small voice that reminded him he'd always known he could find men attractive.


At first he told himself he couldn't be attracted to Ducky. Ducky was his closet, dearest friend. The one person he'd never lie to, hurt, cheat on. He ignored the small voice that reminded him he'd never done that in all the years they'd been friends, why would things change?


At first he told himself he couldn't be attracted to Ducky. Ducky was a coworker. Rule #12 meant he couldn't date him. He ignored the small voice that said 'Jenny'.


At first he told himself he loved Ducky as a friend. A very dear friend. But that was all. He ignored the small voice that suggested if he told himself that often enough, he just might believe it.


At first he told himself he was pleased Ducky had agreed to go to dinner with one of Fornell's coworkers. A man who was gay and who'd made his interest in Ducky clear. He wasn't bothered; he hoped it worked out. He wanted Ducky to be happy. He ignored the small voice that said 'liar'.


He ignored it until he couldn't ignore it any longer. Ducky was his. Ducky was far too good for the FBI man. Ducky was far too good for Gibbs himself. But he was Gibbs's. And Gibbs wasn't going to let anyone else know how incredible Ducky was.


He headed for Autopsy.


"You can't go on this date tonight, Duck."


Ducky widened his eyes. "And just why might that be, Jethro?"


"Because," he swallowed. "Because I want you to come out with me."





At First He Told Himself

At First He Didn't Believe

At First It Seemed Strange



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